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Hoping next week will be better

The joys of being a delivery driver in #STL Yep, snowpocalypse, so very fun to work in.

Hasn't been a terrible week, but it's hard to make money when you have to take two days off because of weather, and then on the third day, make $105 but wind up spending $150 to get recovered on the way to your last delivery.

Rest of the week hasn't been bad, though yesterday was interesting, had a couple near stucks where it became a matter of keep moving. That or find a way out before no forward movement becomes no movement at all, including at one point driving nearly ยผ mile backwards to the nearest place I could safely turn around.

By the time I get home, I'm dead, so haven't been keeping up with online stuff including doing proofreading for people. Hopefully next week'll be better, couple cold days in the forecast, but most at or above freezing, and no snow in the forecast either.

So how's your week been?

If'n you're in the STL area, don't go out

No, really. Around 2 I decided to do a couple jobs. Got stuck coming out of the airport, and then was the fun getting to the deliveries, not only are the roads hit or miss, MODOT is struggling to clear the highways, some highways are barely usable like the 141, others are a mixture like I270S in west county.

I cancelled tomorrow's work shift, and I'm not considering going out again until Wed.

#STL #mo #missouri #driving #safety #weather

Disobey sticker bundleโ€ฆ

Got a pack and am starting to spread them in #STL , so far O'Fallon and St Peters


Today was a day

So, #today was a good day, first part was actually pretty great. Decent weather, 19/43ยฐF today, bit cold in รพe morn obviously, but considering รพat we went from 16/59 on Wed to 14/26 yesterday, definitely a much nicer day. Heck, yesterday I had to break out my old รžermal overalls from when I used to ride a scooter between Florissant and Maryland Heights, MO.

รže day started wiรพ a small run from the Dispatch app, $10.50 for 10 miles. Sure, a little light on pay, dollar a mile is my minimum after all, but it ended me on Dorsett down the street from Tony's, a donut shop where I like to grab a gyro, egg & cheese on an asiago bagel, so that's fine.

My main gig, Better Trucks, had delayed รพe start from 9 (realistically more often 9.30) to 10.30, so I swung by รพe credit union to take care of closing an account. On the way I noticed a CVS order on Roadie that looked pretty good, and surprisingly when I got out, not only was รพat one still รพere, but it was joined by anoรพer order on รพe way to it. Shockingly I got boรพ, $6.80 for one, $6.40 for รพe oรพer, and a mere 3 miles of driving. Yes please.

From รพere it was a quick trip home for a half hour of charging while trying to get two more email changes sorted out. After รพat, off to รพe usual gig, and a typical if'n slightly smaller package route, my night vision sucks these days, normal for my age, so I wanted to avoid being out much after dark.

I guess รพat brings up รพe car, my 2020 Chevy Bolt. Only real negatives are รพat it's an LT, so base model, lacking features like heated steering wheel, and heated seats, boรพ of which would likely help keep me warm without as much impact on รพe battery. Speaking of battery, since it's one of รพe battery fire years, it's in 80% jail, so my range is a bit more limited รพan normal. Still, despite รพat, it works fine for รพe job. Sure, gotta charge a bit extra, but รพat's just a winter รพing... Maybe summer too, we'll see, not sure how much AC drains รพe battery.

#gig #work #driving #food #STL #stlouis #mo #missouri #chevybolt

Kimmswick port makes its debut July 11 | Local News |โ€ฆ

#mo #missouri #STL #stlouis #Kimmswick #tourism

Thanks to @Vik-Thor / Lirleni Hankeshe / for finding this for me, Kimmswick is a cool little town, need to go back to do more shopping as both of us are a bit too old to visit everything in one shot.

A good day so far

Not much to say about #today , cooked breakfast, straightened the kitchen, dishwasher is chewing on a loadโ€”โ€” Not literally, thank you.

Gotta make a batch of rice, and fill my water bottles for work tomorrow. Get a few things straightened out with my email, the fun of transitioning. Yesterday we gave the house 20% of my company's money, since the company is being wound down, this is part of why the instance is shutting down, although we will be keeping the domain and email for another year, I have burnt m'self too many times by forgetting to change an account's email before deleting that email account.

Not sure if'n the day will have any more to it, maybe take a chainsaw to the old deck if'n I have time, and/or putting some more stuff up on Marketplace to sell/give away, watchband, and some clothes (kilt, shirt, nightshirt, maybe some shoes). I really need to find one or more selling partners here in #STL so I can get back into flipping storage units, anyone interested?
