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What this instance has

Hey all y'all, just thought I'd toss a note out about the accounts I have here.
Yes, 'I'

This account is the admin account, any questions, comments or issues you have should be directed here. where I share any news articles on recalls I hear about no matter how small, and we also boost recalls when we find them on the Fediverse. is where I share all the taurs, lamias and naga art I find online, link sharing only unless it's a commission of mine. Currently it's a #friendica community, but I'm thinking of changing it to a standard account in hopes that it is my personal account, where you'll find everything from unboxing to music, random thoughts to memes and much much more

What's with the domain name?
Me and my husband ( @Vik-Thor / Lirleni Hankeshe ) both have taur OC's, a cattaur for him, and a centaur for me, so a taur themed domain seemed fitting.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

🌴 Seph 💭 👾 reshared this.

Billing question

@#SpaceHost Help Well that was stupid, I messaged you about a billing question on my Mastodon instance just before it was shutting down, whoops.

Any how, as I asked over there, my payment bounced, apparently my bank didn't like you, and your system is rather hyperactive about re-trying which really pissed them off. I believe it's sorted now, and I updated the card to the same one, but haven't seen a new attempt. Kinda wish y'all took PayPal, that always works.

in reply to Kāpitan

This is something that has not happened before. The issue with payment was most likely with the bank.

However, thank you for the feedback. We have noted your suggestion

in reply to #SpaceHost Help

@#SpaceHost Help It was a bit of both, when your first payment request went in at 1031, the bank sent me a text asking if it was valid, and I wasn't near my phone, so it took a bit for me to reply. The bank is showing another charge at 1031, likely your billing system trying again since the first didn't go through, and since then there's been no attempt to collect payment for my instance.

Kāpitan reshared this.

"If BBW is big beautiful woman and BBM is big beautiful man, than it only stands to reason, as a fat queer, i am a BBQ"

A question for the #friendica admins out there.

My instance seems to be missing a user feature, as you can see from the pics, on my old account (the striped one), there's a 'network widgets' section in additional features, which is missing from my new hosted instance.
Is that an old feature, or is that missing from my instance?
Is it something I as the admin need to activate, or do I need to ask my host to do that?


Forgot to mention, we're running Friendica 'Giant Rhubarb' 2023.05 - 1518
That's rather old, isn't it?

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

reshared this

And so it begins...

It was the dawn of the first age of taurs...

Ok, silliness over, this is a test post of my new instance, prolly no one will see it