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Spreadsheet help and maybe a custom made Android app?

Right now I track mileage on a spreadsheet, and another page on it works as a checkbook register. This all works well enough, however its all manual, and it seems to me that this could be automated.

I write down the details of each gig trip in a notebook, then type it into the spreadsheet, and then total everything up on the mileage page, and calculate my pay. On the banking page, I record all my receipts, and copy over the info from the bank. Seems like a lot more work than necessary.

Ideally I'd replace the notebook with an app, but everything I've seen is over kill and costs money, basically I just want an on phone version of my notebook that exports to the spreadsheet.

As to the spreadsheet, it just seems that there should be a way to automate much of the processing, but I have no understanding of how spreadsheets work.

Anyone out there what know how to fix this stuff? Maybe write an app for me?

#android #spreadsheet #Data #accounting
