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March covers

Ok, I think I'm going to try to post a song cover video each day for the month of March.
Because I can... though whether I can remember everyday is rather iffy, so feel free to remind me. I'm going to try to come up with interesting ones, so no Hurt by Johnny Cash nor Sound of Silence by Disturbed, I'm some rather obscure ones in my music collection and I'm aware of a few more that I don't have in my collection yet. Oh and the new ones that I have on physical media and haven't ripped yet.

Yep, prepare for a month of #youtube video links.

Love this video

I've been thinking of going solar in the future, and was thinking why not run as much of the house off DC as possible?

Well, YouTube offered me this video, which basically covers the same thing only targeted for off grid campers.

I so want one of these

If'n it's utterly impractical for me, too small for work, and not enough range for @Vik-Thor / Lirleni Hankeshe 's commute. Surprisingly if not for that, it'd likely work for us, enough room for the groceries, and those can be reached without using a highway. If'n I did Doordash or the like, it would be big enough for that, and maybe enough range for the day. It'd make a great third car for us, or likely be great for cities, which is what it's intended for.
