Attorney General Urges 23andMe Customers Delete Their Data After Company Goes Bankrupt | HuffPost Latest News
California Attorney General Urges 23andMe Customers Delete Their Data After Company Goes Bankrupt
A company spokesperson told HuffPost that 23andMe isn't changing the way it stores, manages or protects customer data.Ryan Grenoble (HuffPost)
hackbyte (friendica) 13HB1 likes this.
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We're closing in on 45,000 signatures on this petition calling for Senate Dems to replace Mr. Schumer as leader and pledging to withhold donations until it's done.
Mr. Schumer failing to demand Hegseth's resignation is just more anemic leadership.
Sign the petition:…
DNA of 15 Million People for Sale in 23andMe Bankruptcy – @tonicusrex on Tumblr
Thread includes info about removing your info…
Reblog by @tonicusrex | 2 links
DNA of 15 Million People for Sale in 23andMe Bankruptcy There is no way to know what a buyer will want to do with the reams of genetic information it has collected. Customers, meanwhile, stil…Tumblr
Ugh… I just want to shake people who think they're "informed" because they watch television news.
An urgent warning to any at risk Americans—Television news will not warn you when it's time to flee the country or go into hiding. They will not warn you about your neighbors starting to disappear.
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The tragedy is that it is becoming increasingly difficult to stay informed. There are hysterical warnings that don't help anyone, and then there is the TV "news." Somewhere in between is reality, unfortunately far closer to the hysterical than TV.
There are also far too many people sharing "news" that they do not validate as true.
Welcome to the disinformation age.
cancelled my #spotify subscription. Anyone got some less unethical alternative streaming services for me to turn to? I feel like music streaming is pretty inherently unethical but I do find it convenient.
Right now I'm torn between #deezer and #tidal. I don't care about lossless audio, nor discovery algorithms, just something I can use to listen to albums I don't own.
Tidal is owned by Jack Dorsey and has Nostr integration. Given that fedi still hates Bluesky for Jack being on there historically (he has since left Bluesky due to them correctly assuming platforms need moderation), thought I'd warn you (idrc about Bluesky's ownership lol).
Deezer and Qobuz tend to be good but have weird limits (Deezer has like 2k songs per playlist).
Time for a strange cover
Not much of note in this one, original was by The Doors, whose keyboardist produced this version
Today's markething for you:
Did you know that you can buy books directly from me in my little indie webstore? DRM-free and delivered to any e-Reader you prefer, too.
For this one, I'd love to suggest Terragon's Fate, a short story introducing my dragon-shifter demonhunters.
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Generational wealth works in both directions. Most people who say they “started from nothing” and "built their business from scratch" also never had to pay for the poverty of their parents who paid for the poverty of theirs, who paid for the poverty of theirs.
Debt and wealth are BOTH generational. "Starting from scratch" means you started two rungs up the ladder already and never even had to claw your way out of the pit.
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Each time a person chooses not to buy a new Tesla because of Elon, it lands a triple blow to the company.
That's because Tesla isn't a company that just profits from selling cars.
A big part of its business is also generating emission certificates by selling EVs to legacy automakers (like GM, Ford, Toyota, Volkswagen, etc).
Those carbon credits "offset" the fossil fuel pollution created by the petrol cars those legacy automakers sell:
"GM purchased about 44 million credits in 2023, the EPA report said, while Tesla sold about 34 million, the largest of all transactions."…
"Tesla generated a substantial $1.79 billion from carbon credit sales last year … bringing its total earnings from such credits since 2009 to nearly $9 billion."…
So let's suppose you decide to buy a Volkswagen EV instead of a Tesla.
Tesla doesn't just miss out on the profit from that EV.
It also misses the profit from selling the carbon credits for that car to VW.
Meanwhile, VW gains the carbon certificates for that EV, meaning it needs to buy fewer offsets from Tesla for its petrol cars.
And that's likely to be extra bad news for Elon, if he's borrowed against his Tesla shares to fund other parts of his empire:…
#Elon #ElonMusk #Trump #Tesla #Politics #Capitalism
Tesla Hits Record High Sales from Carbon Credits at $1.79B
Learn how Tesla's carbon credit sales defy expectations, driving its financial success amid tightening emissions regulations and competition.Jennifer L (CarbonCredits.Com)
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WILL FERRELL and HARPER STEELE in the documentary WILL & HARPER (2024) – @undercovercannibal on Tumblr…
Post by @undercovercannibal | 7 images
WILL FERRELL and HARPER STEELE in the documentary WILL & HARPER (2024)Tumblr
LGBTQ+ Feed reshared this.
Your daily reminder that Cambells soups with their little sneaky Canada flag is not made in or even canned in Canada. Turn the tins upside down.
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catboygirlthing likes this.
Seattle gas station has some of the funniest signs ever and here are the best 25 of them - Scoop Upworthy
Lots of fun ones in here, more than a few I've seen before, but always fun…
Seattle gas station has some of the funniest signs ever and here are the best 25 of them
The sign's punny messages and cheeky wisecracks have amassed a substantial fan following online.Jisha Joseph (Upworthy)
clarice overhere likes this.
Hey Canadians:
I just heard about two Canadian friends of a friend who were driving into the US
the border agents demanded they unlock their phones; the agents searched the phones, found anti-Trump stuff on one ...
... then confiscated that phone and neither person was allowed into the US
These folks weren't activists or anything -- the search doesn't appear to have been triggered by that
so, govern yourselves accordingly
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yep I hear ya
but I'm not including those specifics at my friend's request, to prevent the friends from being further targeted
How about "which state"?
CBC today has a story of two musician sisters being harassed at length by Ohio police, and the Ohio police calling the complaint 'hate mongering'.…
I'm just wondering if we can start mapping which US States have serving MAGA cops actively promoting their politics.
@funambolo @burnitdown @RoyBrander What? It's literally just four days since an ylikomisario (chief inspector/captain) of Helsinki police force went on air telling we should just let fascists in Finnish libraries because I dunno, freedoms?
They protect their own, simple as that.
@funambolo @jarizleifr @burnitdown @RoyBrander
Well, they rank pretty high in the US too, in that respect, so I guess they're ok there too?…
In Finland they might not shoot you on sight, but you might die in the holding cell. Those deaths are alarmingly high. Also remember KURI1? Bet you a buck that hasn't been the only official project like that, and if that was done officially, you can imagine what the police does unofficially. The police has repeatedly been caught having connections and even giving information to far-right groups. The police is blatantly partial in how they choose to uphold the law, not to mention how they use extrajudicial means to punish people they deem have offended them.
Again, granted, nowhere near the level off ass-fuckery that the US law enforcement gets into, but the Finnish police is as far from the image they portray as Finland itself is. Or do you really believe those "Finland is the happiest country in the world" polls too, and take them to mean that there's no issues in the Finnish society, everyone's taken care of and everything's sunshine and police dog puppies?
U.S. Confidence in Institutions Mostly Flat, but Police Up
Americans' confidence in the police has increased eight points since last year, but average confidence across 14 U.S. institutions remains historically Megan Brenan (Gallup)
I would be genuinely interested in reading articles that cover the things you mentioned. There have definitely been cases where, for example, indivual members of the police have co-operated with criminals for monetary gain. But is this sort of conduct widespread or systemic? Has this thing even been researched? I don't really know.
@undefined_variable @jarizleifr @burnitdown @RoyBrander
I think the US gallup is interesting. It is widely known that in certain US (e.g. black) neighbourhoods cops are loathed upon. The high confidence in police is probably propped up by white americans who rarely encounter the police and when they do, the encounter is more or less friendly.
I'm sure similar logic applies in Finland as well: immigrants _may_ have a very different views of the police than the white "native" majority.
All this said, there is no need to be confrontational. I don't have a fixed opinion on this topic and much prefer "here are some examples of what I'm talking about" instead of hints of naivety.
@funambolo @jarizleifr @burnitdown @RoyBrander My apologies for a bit snide tone, just that I have personal experience of being a target of harassment by the Finnish police (and mind you, not for doing anything illegal, but for being, legally, involved in activism and organizing), so when someone is like "you can trust the Finnish police", it gets personal to me really fast. And I'm by no means alone here.
I'm not aware of any independent research into the Finnish police, I don't think they'd allow it, to begin with, and I think that kind of research would be nigh impossible to do without co-operation from the police. The culture of silence is strong, but that seems to be breaking now, as shown by the recent case with Taponen. The police themselves release their "police barometers", but I wouldn't put much stock on those.
Here's some individual cases that put together show a clear trend within the Finnish police too.
Several police involved with a far-right group, even supplying them with police information:
Helsinki police doing racial profiling:
Helsinki police colluding with the private security services, targeting individual people:…
And of course recently there was the case Taponen:
Unfortunately most cases don't even make it to the news, and are easily dismissed as one-sided when coming from, for example, the activists themselves. But there is a trend there, one just has to be willing to see it.
Edit: forgot to include this reporting on cell deaths:
Ainakin kahdeksan poliisia on irtisanoutunut Helsingin poliisista – Sari kertoo Ylelle, miksi lähti
Ylen haastateltavat esittävät kovia väitteitä Suomen suurimmasta poliisilaitoksesta. Poliisipäällikkö Jari Liukku ei halua kommentoida jutussa esitettyjä väitteitä.Päivi Happonen (Yle Uutiset)
Here's a primer on rights concerning searches on phones and electronic devices:…
Know Your Rights
Last Updated October 2014. By Hanni Fakhoury and Dia Kayyali Your computer, phone, and other digital devices hold vast amounts of personal information about you and your family.Electronic Frontier Foundation
Please help, fedi. I'd like to contact Norman A Hughes, the artist that painted this, or his heirs:…
I want to contact them to discuss licensing that image, but I can't find any trace of him online.
Boosts appreciated.
#FediHelp #art #artist #copyright #painting #SecondWorldWar #histodons #MilitaryHistory
@histodons @militaryhistory @worldwarshistory @art
Operation Colossus | Art UK
Operation Colossus by Norman Hughes, 1983, from Blackburn Museum and Art
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Indivisible National · Indivisible on Mobilize
We’re a grassroots movement of thousands of local Indivisible groups with a mission to elect progressive leaders, rebuild our democracy, and defeat the Trump agenda.Mobilize
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An American Billionaire bought all the papers in Canada that were not reliably far right, and now 98% of Canada's newspapers big and small will be playing down, tamping down, the invasion, all will be supporting Poiliever.
Its a stitch up.
An American bought 98% of Canada's papers to sway THIS election.
The Election Called today is the TARGET of US subversion of 🇨🇦 news.
Heres a story on all NB papers secretly going Trump. One of the last provinces.…
From bad to worse? J.D. Irving sells newspapers to Postmedia
Media watchers in New Brunswick, including the NB Media Co-op, have long criticized the Irving group of companies’ cross-ownership ofNB Media Co-op
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🌴 Seph 💭 👾 reshared this.
Problem solved
Several kind folks have suggested Boston-based The Byte Shop for this. Thank you!
Putting out a call for #RetroComputing help!
Does anyone in the #Boston area (or thereabouts) have with experience with the #AppleLisa? The Museum of Printing in Haverhill, #Massachusetts is looking for someone to help them get their Lisa system booted.
If you think you might be able to help, ping me and I’ll put you in touch with the appropriate folks.
Boosts welcome.
The Museum of Printing, Haverhill, Massachusetts
The Museum of Printing in Haverhill, Massachusetts is dedicated to preserving the history of the graphic arts, printing equipment and printing
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Time to get crazy
Finally having to dip into my collection to come up with songs, not bad for twenty-three days in, right? I've got three versions of this in my collection, Queen's original, Dwight Yoakam's, and this one, though I should try the Stray Cats version as well and see how it differs as Brian fronts both groups.
Speaking of the Stray Cats, my alternate choice for today was Rock This Town, but would the Brian Setzer Orchestra version even count as a cover?
Neighborhood Watch
I’ve got a quick question: what hashtags do you follow to keep your feed full of beautiful photos?
I’m following film photography and some local tags, but I’d love to find more. If there’s a tag that brings you joy, I’m all ears 👂🏻
📷: Olympus FT
🎞️: Ilford 400, developed with Rodinal
#FilmPhotography #ShootFilm #35mmFilm #AnalogPhotography #BelieveInFilm
#IlfordHP5 #OlympusFT #BlackAndWhiteFilm #FilmIsNotDead
#DogPhotography #PetPhotography #DogsOfPixelfed #BlackAndWhitePets
#AnalogPets #aussie #Pets #MastoDogs #MastoPets #dogs #dog
🌴 Seph 💭 👾 likes this.
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The newly started Invictus campaign to fundraise USD 1 million for 100 vehicles and more for the Ukrainian heros has already reached USD 470,000.
Because Donald Trump does not decide the outcome.
We do.…
Jake Broe | INVICTUS "Unconquerable"
Jake Broe is teaming up with NAFO 69th Sniffing Brigade for his 4th campaign, having completed three incredible campaigns across 2024 with the Broe Community fundraising 100 NAFO vehicles, drones, Jammers and
Maddad ☑️
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •