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The past few days have not been great, so I can only manage a basic vector drawing right now. I don't have many experiences of... – @skelotom on Tumblr…


Assigned Male

This is a comic strip, latest one, and a quick look through them, I'm subscribing, it's bluntly pro-transgender, and I like that.…


This entry was edited (3 months ago)

So today I want to talk about puberty blockers for transgender kids, because despite being cisgender, this is a subject I’m... – @gingersnapwolves on Tumblr…

#trans #transhealthcare

do you know anything about how i might make my face more masculine without t or stimulating mustache growth (i have a faint one,... – @so-i-did-this-thing on Tumblr…

#trans #transbeauty

#trans #lgbtq

Odessa, Texas is now offering bounties on trans people in bathrooms. I would now like to kindly request that apology from all the cis people who have told me to stop overreacting, and to just shut up and post art and stats like a nice girl
