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Would you help a poor single-user Friendica server admin out and boost this post?

Boosting will increase the number of servers my server federates with.


#fediverse #friendica #SelfHosting #SelfHosted

in reply to gmc

@gmc Have you tried relays? They've done great things for me over here.
in reply to 🌴 Seph πŸ’­ πŸ‘Ύ

Yep, I've got some fedibuzz relays I subscribe to, but I think those are one-way only. And I've subscribed to Any others I should check out that you can recommend?

caos reshared this.

in reply to gmc

@gmc It really comes down to what kind of content you want, I use:


But those might not be to your tasted, but is a good source.

in reply to gmc

Apropos of nothing in particular, your profile text is full of HTML markup that you might not have intended.
in reply to Not A Convicted Felon

Yeah, I noticed that too. Should be fixed now. Thanks for the heads-up!
in reply to gmc

The fediverse still baffles me.
I went to your site. It says you've made one post, but I read three.
in reply to Rozzychan

I think I made many more than three :)

When you say 'your site', what url would that be?

in reply to gmc

I am not sure if this also works for Friendica, but might be worth checking.
There is this relay created by @astro that I think helps bringing content to you:
Not sure if it is useful bringing your content around as well.
It is in my list of things to do some day :)
in reply to Kurau 🧣

I'm subscribed to a number of hash tags on the fedibuzz relay indeed, works great to pull in content. I've also 'donated' tokens for both my Mastodon and Friendica server, which helps them pull in my content as well and distribute it again.
in reply to gmc

Ohh nice! Good to know it works well. I decided to add some relays now to test.

What do you mean by "donating" token to help pull your content?

in reply to Kurau 🧣

If you go to then on the top-right you'll see a little banner that asks for donating a token, which goes here: - basically, if you give them a token, they can query your server for content and throw that in the mix for those that subscribe to the relay.