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Does anyone make a decent full sized wireless mechanical keyboard? Like a normal one, not "low profile" or "without a numpad" or the ever popular "costs more than a GPU because it has $7 of wireless circuitry and a dongle"?
in reply to Pomax

@Pomax I want a compact one that keeps the num pad, but eliminates the middle keys (arrows, home, etc).
in reply to 🌴 Seph πŸ’­ πŸ‘Ύ

that exists. Asus makes one, coolermaster used to make one, if you can find a quickfire tk second hand, worth it.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Pomax

@Pomax Interesting, I'll have to look into it, most compact keyboards lop off the num pad and merge the middle keys into the alpha section in an unholy mutation
in reply to 🌴 Seph πŸ’­ πŸ‘Ύ

@vextaur in general, yes. The quickfire was nice because it basically "overloaded" the numpad as the control cluster depending on numlock, so you just got both instead of the "okay but this is dumber" versions today that are literally just "a regular numpad". At least the asus splits off the cursor keys in an inoffensive way, but the numpad's still the dumber "7 is home, 9 is pgup, etc".
in reply to Pomax

@vextaur the Asus thing is…, the quickfire product page still exists, but the keyboard itself isn't made anymore...…
in reply to Pomax

@Pomax Actually that's standard on the num pad, it's always had all those functions when num lock is off, but not every keyboard shows it, that's why I don't see the point of the middle row, it's a duplicate, and most of the keys are things I rarely use in most situations.
in reply to 🌴 Seph πŸ’­ πŸ‘Ύ

@vextaur The numpad standard is "7 is home, 9 is pgup, 1 is end" etc, so nothing like the control cluster that most 75/60's cut out?
in reply to 🌴 Seph πŸ’­ πŸ‘Ύ

@vextaur Because what you want is "same functions, SAME locations" just with a toggle. Not "same functions in competely DIFFERENT locations", because if you use more than one keyboard, having the same keys in completely different locations is just utterly stupid. The whole point of muscle memory is that it's portable.
in reply to Pomax

@Pomax Yes and no, if'n you use those keys regularly, then yes, they need to stay in the same place, but if'n you use them as rarely as me, you wind up looking for them every time, so moving them to the numeric pad is fine, so long as they stay in the same place there. In fact, I used to do 10 key entry, so having them on the pad is easier for me than the standard layout.