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Looking for recommendations for YouTubers to follow. Something fun. Could be fictional, non fictional, nerd culture, reading, video games, tech, coding, random documentaries, whatever. Just not politics. My dance card is full on that front. Also, they don't need to be on YouTube. Could be Twitch, PeerTube or wherever. I'm just looking for interesting things to watch/listen to that are not politics for when I need a doom break
#recommendations #youtube #peertube #twitch #video #podcasts #videos
in reply to donthatedontkill

@donthatedontkill Todd In the Shadows comes to mind off the top of my head, can come up with more if'n you want, I follow everything from tech to music to storage unit buyers to movie watchers
in reply to donthatedontkill

@Mrfunkedude If you want a quirky, chill vibe, the Sleepcore videos are worth a watch. Great stuff for mentally disconnecting.

in reply to Flyin’ Toaster

@emb @Mrfunkedude oooh these look like they could be good inspiration for writing or just peacefully taking a brain break