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The candles at the points of the pentagram flickered. A demon appeared.

"Do you do Black Friday deals?" the conjuror said.


"Like, unlimited knowledge and worldly pleasures, for less than my soul?"

"Actually, it was five souls, but today it's only one."

"Oh? That's cheap!"

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

in reply to Micro SF/F by O. Westin

I love this one!
I interpret it as the demon merely telling that it was five souls, to trick the human into thinking they have a good deal when it's not so.
in reply to Micro SF/F by O. Westin

Hmm...bombarded by all possible pleasurable sensations at once while simultaneously having absolute knowledge.

Careful what you wish for :p

in reply to Micro SF/F by O. Westin

*looks up average retail price for unlimited knowledge& worldly pleaseures*
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Micro SF/F by O. Westin Hey you're using uvr to do separation? I found a cli version of it but only using the 2_hp_uvr.pth. Are their any others?
in reply to Micro SF/F by O. Westin

"Oh look honey, this present is from... Satan?"
"You mean Santa, right?"
"I'm sure it's a typo."