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So I guess Annwyn and I are shopping for a tandem account now, and we're curious about #fediverse software that isn't Mastodon. Or at least I am. I know some people use #akkoma and others use #misskey and the Friendica isn't real. I'm curious as to what people's experiences are with these platforms.
in reply to Mercy says Read Fahrenheit 451

@Mercy is now Mercy Again In what way? The interface is definitely clunky and kinda sucks, on the other hand, you get all kinds of options that you don't see on anything else, inline images, unlimited images, images displayed full sized (at least on the web), multiple options for how your home timeline is organized and what is displayed (server type, group, and more). For customization you can set a background image, custom colours for the toolbar and such.
Oh, did we mention what you can follow?
As well as Mastodon and the rest of the activity pub services, it's also Diaspora compatible, and you can follow RSS feeds (they show up in your timeline like any other friend).
And we have quote shares too. Oh, and unlimited post length. And post scheduling in the web interface. Basically enough features to drown you in frankly, the learning curve can be a bit steep, but there's nothing else quite like it here.…

If you want a instance recommendation, take a look at , that's where my old account (now backup account) is at, and I only left as I found a hosting service for my own instance.

in reply to 🌴 Seph πŸ’­ πŸ‘Ύ

@🌴 Seph πŸ’­ πŸ‘Ύ @Mercy is now Mercy Again

  • Calckey is deader than dead. It was forked into Firefish in 2023. Only few instances are still alive because their admins refused to move them to Firefish, and their numbers are dwindling further.
  • Firefish itself is dead. Official support and development ended on New Year's Eve. This month, the official server with the code repository and the lighthouse instance is scheduled to be shut down.
  • Sharkey is the most feature-rich. But first of all, its Mastodon client API implementation is said to be notoriously horrible. It seems to be difficult to connect it to a Mastodon app. Its developers are kind of shady; ask @Linux Is Best a.k.a. @Linux Is Best. Lastly, Sharkey's development is cosying up to Mastodon; the goal is to make it more like Mastodon. Not everyone likes that.
  • CherryPick is sometimes recommended. But it's a Japanese project just like Misskey itself, and AFAIK, except for one instance in the USA, all CherryPick instances are hosted in the greater Tokyo and Seoul areas.
  • A more common recommendation is Iceshrimp, and it seems to have the brightest future. It will soon no longer be a Misskey fork. It's currently being re-written from scratch in C# which appears to be the best way to get rid of the many issues that all Forkeys have inherited from Misskey. Its only "disadvantages" may be fewer features than Sharkey (but still more than Misskey) and its coming reliance on "Microsoft technology".

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Misskey #Forkey #Forkeys #Calckey #Firefish #Sharkey #CherryPick #Iceshrimp #Iceshrimp.NET

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

@jupiter_rowland @vextaur o...k...

That's a great summary of development history but it doesn't really tell me what the user experience is like on any of these platforms other than it might be difficult to connect Sharkey to a Mastodon app.

Curious what makes the devs of Sharkey "shady."

in reply to Mercy says Read Fahrenheit 451

@Mercy is now Mercy Again @Jupiter Rowland Heh, MIsskey practically requires a scorecard to keep up with the forks, unlike those of Mastodon and Pleroma. I want someone to fork Friendica and make a Tumblr clone out of it, maybe @Daniel Supernault ?
in reply to Mercy says Read Fahrenheit 451

@Mercy is now Mercy Again

Curious what makes the devs of Sharkey "shady."

Again, ask @Linux Is Best a.k.a. @Linux Is Best.

For example, they've collected crowdfunding money to buy a machine to be used as a Sharkey-related server. And then they only used it as a Minecraft server instead. And that's only one example. I can't rattle down the whole history. Linux_is_best can.

As for the user experience on at least some of them, ask @crossgolf_rebel - kostenlose KwalitΓ€tsposts.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Sharkey

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

@jupiter_rowland I'm just incredibly suspicious of anyone calling the devs of any fedi fork "shady" and telling me to talk to someone else for the details.

I've seen a lot of people rattle off on reasons such and such person is bad only for there to be very little evidence and/or missing context. And the accusation you just made feels like its missing some context.

Overall it feels like I'm being dragged into a dev conflict which is not what I wanted to happen.

in reply to Mercy says Read Fahrenheit 451

@Mercy is now Mercy Again

I'm just incredibly suspicious of anyone calling the devs of any fedi fork "shady" and telling me to talk to someone else for the details.

That's because @Linux Is Best has only mentioned me in reply, not you. Here are the replies I've received shortly before this one of yours:#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #QuotePost #QuoteTweet #QuoteToot #QuoteBoost #Sharkey

Sharkey tricked their user-base to gift them roughly 2,000 bucks for a server, they said would be used for the project. They used it to play Minecraft and 4 months later, the server was pulled and kept as their new home PC. At the same time, after everyone complained, they announced they were under "new" management (wink, wink). The Join Sharkey website is still offline.

They spend a good amount of their free time trolling people. Especially whenever you bring up what they've said and done. When backed into a corner, they will wrongfully claim that person is anti-LGBTQ. They have also DOX someone.

At one point, they wanted more money to become a corporation. People kept asking why not a non-profit, but no true answer was ever given.

The development itself, has experienced a few issues lasting months, that took down other people servers. There is still a random 502 bug they've never been able to solve (doesn't happen often, but you may notice it).

I can go on and on, but if you like the software, that's fine. I'll admit, it's got some cool feature. But I would not trust the dev team with any personal information and never donate anything.

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

@jupiter_rowland Ok that is a lot of accusations, and they admittedly sound bad.

emphasis on "sound" because so far the only "proof" I have is in a fucking JSON file.

I am really regretting this whole venture. Instead of "I use x software cause it lets me do y" I got a dev history summary and a bunch of posts about drama that really aren't helpful and are just putting a bad taste in my mouth.

I'm just gonna do my own fucking research and maybe try a misskey server out. Or maybe even a Sharkey one.

Or maybe I'll just drop the whole thing, keep using Mastodon, and never ask for anyone's opinion ever again. This has been exceedingly unhelpful and quite baffling.

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

Sharkey tricked their user-base to gift them roughly 2,000 bucks for a server, they said would be used for the project. They used it to play Minecraft and 4 months later, the server was pulled and kept as their new home PC. At the same time, after everyone complained, they announced they were under "new" management (wink, wink). The Join Sharkey website is still offline.

They spend a good amount of their free time trolling people. Especially whenever you bring up what they've said and done. When backed into a corner, they will wrongfully claim that person is anti-LGBTQ. They have also DOX someone.

At one point, they wanted more money to become a corporation. People kept asking why not a non-profit, but no true answer was ever given.

The development itself, has experienced a few issues lasting months, that took down other people servers. There is still a random 502 bug they've never been able to solve (doesn't happen often, but you may notice it).

I can go on and on, but if you like the software, that's fine. I'll admit, it's got some cool feature. But I would not trust the dev team with any personal information and never donate anything.

in reply to Linux Is Best

2 of 2

The Official Sharkey Development account, which they've used to troll people with, they started over.

Sharkey supports importing post, and to hide their growing list of bad press, when they relocated to yet another site, they decided to start fresh.

They have a habit of rewriting their history, whenever things catch up to them.

in reply to Mercy says Read Fahrenheit 451

@Linux You gonna give me the rundown here or just retoot me asking about an accusation someone else made out of context?

You folks aren't inspiring faith in your ability as a souce rn.

in reply to Mercy says Read Fahrenheit 451

So, every once in a while, someone like yourself comes here and say, gee, that's concerning. Can you provide more? And, of course, I just told you, they deleted their whole account and have a history of rewriting their history.

So I have to ask if you really want more, or you're just one of their clones playing games again. If not, that's something they do too. I used to be very big fan of Sharkey, and was one of those people who donated (1,000 bucks) for their server. And afterward, I sat in their Discord Server and saw just how nasty they can be.

But I did do something no one expected. I made my whole post history from May 30, 2023, through December 2024, public, and downloadable.…

in reply to Linux Is Best

@Linux Ok so:

a. you didn't tell me they deleted anything. First interaction I saw was you boosting my curiosity about an accusation someone else made that I did not prompt.

b. I'm not going to read through your entire post history to find the incriminating bits, that's not helpful to me, especially in JSON format. You seriously don't have screenshots or anything?

c. All I fucking wanted was a bit of a summary of what makes misskey and its forks different than Mastodon and now people are throwing around accusations and asking if I'm a clone?!

Serves me write for asking for tech advice. Should have known I'd get some ridiculous meta shit, complete with vague subtoots about people I never met or even new existed before.

in reply to Mercy says Read Fahrenheit 451

Someone tagged me, and I did not know you were looking for advice. As far as I knew, you were replying to someone who was commending on the whole Sharkey nonsense, which I was more than happy to point out.

That said... Tech advice...

Misskey offers way more features than Mastodon. You're going to get more options and cool functions using Misskey or a fork of Misskey. The other person, seems to dislike Misskey and everyone has their preference.

I, like CherryPick, a fork of Misskey with even more cool features. But CherryPick is mostly run by admins who either are in Japan or Korea, and so finding an English site isn't as easy. There is Kitty Dot Social, if you don't mind that they're hosted in Florida, USA. They're running CherryPick.

in reply to Linux Is Best

@Linux Ok thanks that is somewhat helpful but "more features" is vague and unspecific.

I'm honestly regretting asking and am thinking about sticking with Mastodon just cause its familiar. Maybe I'll watch that one video another person posted. IDK.

in reply to Mercy says Read Fahrenheit 451

Going back to your 1st question. - You are the answer.

I can tell you something has more features or what features I like, but it may mean nothing to you. So your 1st thought about trying it, was the answer.

No one is going to try to sell you on Misskey or CherryPick or Mastodon. You have to use it yourself to understand.

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

Interesting to see the dynamics in that part of the fediverse compared to the relative stability (or boringness) of the β€œZot” lineage of the β€˜verse?
in reply to Daniel de Kay

@Daniel de Kay @🌴 Seph πŸ’­ πŸ‘Ύ The *keys simply have many more users. This means they have many more potential developers. This means they have many more people who say, "I don't like it the way it is, the devs won't make it the way I want it to be, so I'm going to fork it." There are dozens of Misskey forks and Misskey fork forks.

In the Friendica family, it's almost a wonder that Friendica and Hubzilla have found new maintainers. Every last fork in the family, and there were quite a lot, was made by Mike himself. After the streams repository was created, the family had eight members, six of which were officially maintained by Mike. Even though three were identical in all but branding.

Granted, there were few reasons for users to fork anything made by Mike. What would they have wanted? As many features as possible, much like Sharkey? Well, Hubzilla already covers that. All-new features? No need to fork an entire project. All of them from Mistpark to Forte were and are modular and can be expanded with third-party add-ons, so you can simply make an add-on and put it into your own third-party repository, and admins can add your repository to their servers. Reduce the number of features? Do that on an admin level and disable add-ons.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Misskey #Forkey #Forkeys #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams)

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

are there any plugins or addons that are not shipping with the core?
in reply to 🌴 Seph πŸ’­ πŸ‘Ύ

Calckey became Firefish but it was abandoned by the lead developer without any warning. The other devs tried to keep it going but AFAIK it was eventually ended.

Sharkey is a popular *key fork, waiting to see how it progresses.

Friendica is great by the way, it predates Mastodon :)

in reply to Mercy says Read Fahrenheit 451

you’re more than welcome to play around on this instance (it runs sharkey a fork of misskey with a lot of improvements)