Create change in your community. Find events, petitions, volunteer opportunities, and fundraisers in your local area, organized by charities, campaigns, political organizations, grassroots groups, and other volunteers! Together, we'll help make the w…
If you are an activist, this website has information to keep your digital data secure. There is some overlap with the above. Tuta is the more highly regarded email service for personal security as of January 2025.
Introduction America has a strong tradition of activism, dating back to slave revolts and indigenous uprisings even before the founding of the United States. Today, activism in the US remains critical.
The First Amendment protects your right to assemble and express your views through protest. However, police and other government officials are allowed to place certain narrow restrictions on the exercise of speech rights.
The Royal Society published an online information project with special attention to misinformation and disinformation. See the list of downloads (bottom for phone, right for desktop) for the report and highlighted articles.
**How to identify disinformation and bad actors** cont.6
UNICEF has a really good brief overview on how to stop misinformation from spreading and reaching out to those who believe in misinformation and conspiracies.
The Deep Canvassing Institute offers training on how to talk to others with opposing views using reasoning and empathy. It’s a skill that requires patience and practice.
J blue
in reply to J blue • • •**How To Find**
This website is a catalogue of all protests happening in the US. The data is uploaded by users. You can search by date and state.
J blue
in reply to J blue • • •**How to Find** cont.2 has actionable events besides protests that you can search by date and state. It includes Indivisible events., ditto but also has invaluable toolkits to create your own events.
Volunteer Opportunities, Events, and Petitions Near Me · Mobilize
MobilizeJ blue
in reply to J blue • • •**How to Find** cont.3
Here are organizations focused on protests and marches for specific causes.
50501 — 50 protests, 50 states, 1 movement
50501 MovementJ blue
in reply to J blue • • •**How to Prepare / Stay Safe**
Human Rights Campaign has an exhaustive site on preparation and safety for protesters. Please read thoroughly.…
Tips for Preparedness, Peaceful Protesting, and Safety
Human Rights Campaign FoundationJ blue
in reply to J blue • • •**How to Prepare / Stay Safe** cont.2
Surveillance Self-Defense produced a module specifically for attending protests. It includes a printable flyer.…
Attending a Protest
ssd.eff.orgJ blue
in reply to J blue • • •**How to Prepare / Stay Safe** cont.3
If you are an activist, this website has information to keep your digital data secure. There is some overlap with the above. Tuta is the more highly regarded email service for personal security as of January 2025.
Infosec 101 for Activists
Infosec for ActivistsJ blue
in reply to J blue • • •**How to Prepare / Stay Safe** cont.4
This meme has instructions on how to wash out your eyes if you get tear gassed.
J blue
in reply to J blue • • •**Printable flyers**
Not everyone attending a protest knows all the resources and tools to resist. Consider printing flyers and feel free to use the ones I made below.
Import the image into a word document as many times as it will fit. The first image will fit 12x, the second 8x. Print and cut.
J blue
in reply to J blue • • •**Printable flyers** cont.2
Examples of how to orient flyers on a page.
Stay safe while distributing flyers. It’s best to go in a group and use the buddy system as some people can become hostile.
J blue
in reply to J blue • • •**Rights**
ACLU’s site on your rights as a protester.…
The site makes it easy to print by sections or whole document.
Protesters’ Rights
American Civil Liberties UnionJ blue
in reply to J blue • • •**Rights** cont.2
Right to Record
If you witness someone’s rights being violated. Stay focused on agents or perpetrators instead of bystanders.
Film details: badges, buildings/landmarks, license plates, property damage, street signs, uniforms, weapons
Take notes.
J blue
in reply to J blue • • •**How to identify disinformation and bad actors**
Be aware that not everyone attending a protest may be there with good intentions. There might be agitators and accelerationists.
See the article below for description of how these people might act and dress.…
Far-Right Infiltrators and Agitators in George Floyd Protests: Indicators of White Supremacists
Mia Bloom (Just Security)J blue
in reply to J blue • • •**How to identify disinformation and bad actors** cont.2
Politifact, a fact checking organisation, published an article on false flags.…
False flags are real, but rarer than social media suggests
@politifactJ blue
in reply to J blue • • •**How to identify disinformation and bad actors** cont.3
University of Chicago Library’s page describing:
-SIFT Method
-SMART Check…
Library Guides: Evaluating Resources and Misinformation: Home
Kaitlyn Van KampenJ blue
in reply to J blue • • •**How to identify disinformation and bad actors** cont.4
Websites that verify accuracy of reporting.
SnopesJ blue
in reply to J blue • • •**How to identify disinformation** cont.5
The Royal Society published an online information project with special attention to misinformation and disinformation. See the list of downloads (bottom for phone, right for desktop) for the report and highlighted articles.…
The online information environment | Royal Society
royalsociety.orgJ blue
in reply to J blue • • •**How to identify disinformation and bad actors** cont.6
UNICEF has a really good brief overview on how to stop misinformation from spreading and reaching out to those who believe in misinformation and conspiracies.…
J blue
in reply to J blue • • •**Deep Canvassing**
The Deep Canvassing Institute offers training on how to talk to others with opposing views using reasoning and empathy. It’s a skill that requires patience and practice.
Deep Canvass Institute – People's Action | New Conversation Initiative